About VuePress
VuePress is a markdown-centered static site generator. You can write your content (documentations, blogs, etc.) in Markdown, then VuePress will help you to generate a static site to host them.
How It Works
A VuePress site is in fact a single-page application (SPA) powered by Vue and Vue Router.
Routes are generated according to the relative path of your Markdown files. Each Markdown file is compiled into HTML with markdown-it and then processed as the template of a Vue component. This allows you to directly use Vue inside your Markdown files and is great when you need to embed dynamic content.
During development, we start a normal dev-server, and serve the VuePress site as a normal SPA. If you've used Vue before, you will notice the familiar development experience when you are writing and developing with VuePress.
During build, we create a server-rendered version of the VuePress site and render the corresponding HTML by virtually visiting each route.
VuePress Intro
VuePress Official Docs