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File Structure

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File Structure

├── docs → Docs folder depending on you
│    │
│    ├── .vuepress (Optional) → VuePress Config
│    │     │
│    │     ├── dist (Default) → Output folder
│    │     │
│    │     │
│    │     ├── public (Optional) → Static resource dir
│    │     │
│    │     ├── styles (Optional) → Stores style related files
│    │     │
│    │     ├── config.{js,ts} (Optional) → Entry file of configuration
│    │     │
│    │     └── client.{js,ts} (Optional) → Client App file
│    │
│    ├── ... → Other docs
│    │
│    └── → Project homepage

└── package.json → Node.js declaration file for the entire project