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Client Config file

Less than 1 minuteAdvancedAdvancedClient Config

You can create .vuepress/client.ts or .vuepress/client.js as a client config file to customize your site.


To learn more about client config file, see Advanced > Cookbook > Usage of Client Configopen in new window


import { defineClientConfig } from "vuepress/client";
import ExampleGlobalComponent from "./components/ExampleGlobalComponent.vue";
import ExampleRootComponent from "./components/ExampleRootComponent.vue";
import { setupExampleCompositionAPI } from "./composables/exampleCompositionAPI";
import ExampleLayout from "./layouts/ExampleLayout.vue";

export default defineClientConfig({
  // Client enhancements
  enhance: ({ app, router }) => {
    // register global component
    app.component("ExampleGlobalComponent", ExampleGlobalComponent);

    // register router guard
    router.beforeEach((to) => {
      console.log("before navigation");

    router.afterEach((to) => {
      console.log("after navigation");

  // global registration
  setup() {
    // Register the global Composition API

    // access dom in client
    onMounted(() => {
      // use DOM API after mounted

  // adding or overriding layouts
  layouts: {

  // global component
  rootComponents: [