The theme provides progressive web app support [1] via @vuepress/plugin-pwa
. To use it, install @vuepress/plugin-pwa
manually in your project.
If you are using this plugin, we recommend you to set shouldPrefetch: false
in your VuePress config file.
provides plugins.pwa
in theme options to @vuepress/plugin-pwa
Direct Enable Not recommended
You can set plugins.pwa
to true
in theme options to let theme automatically generate the necessary config and enable plugins quickly. However, we recommend you to manually set some options by following the instructions below.
Web App Manifests
To make your website fully compliant with PWA, a Web app manifests [2] file is needed, and your pwa should satisfy the installability [3] specification.
You can set plugins.pwa.manifest
option to customize the manifest file, or provide a manifest.webmanifest
or manifest.json
in public folder. The former has higher priority.
The plugin will automatically generate manifest.webmanifest
for you and add manifest link declaration in each page, while you should still at least set a valid icon through plugins.pwa.manifest.icons
or other icon related options in the PWA plugin.
The installability [3:1] specification requires at least one valid icon to be declared in the manifest.
So if you do not configure plugins.pwa.manifest.icons
, visitors can only enjoy the offline accessibility brought by the Service Worker cache, while cannot install your site as a PWA.
Besides the plugin does not process anything in the manifest by default, but outputs them as-is. This means that if you plan to deploy to a subdirectory, you should append the URL prefix to manifest Urls yourself. If everything you need is all under base
directory, you can set plugins.pwa.appendBase: true
in plugin options to let the plugin append base
to any links in manifest.
Cache Control
To better control what the Service Worker can pre-cache, the plugin provides related options for cache control.
Default cache
By default, the plugin will pre-cache all js
files, and only homepage and 404 html are cached. The plugin will also cache font files (woff, woff2, eot, ttf, otf) and SVG icons.
Image Cache
If your site has only a few important images, and want them displayed in offline mode, you can cache site images by setting plugins.pwa.cacheImage: true
We recognize images by file extension. Any files ending with .png
, .jpg
, .jpeg
, .gif
, .bmp
, .webp
will be regarded as images.
HTML Cache
If you have small sites, and would like to make document fully offline available, you can set plugins.pwa.cacheHTML
to true
to cache all HTML files.
Why only home and 404 page been cached by default?
Though VuePress generates HTML files through SSG[4] for all pages, these files are mainly used for SEO[5] and allow you to directly configure the backend without SPA[6] Visit any link.
VuePress is essentially an SPA. This means that you only need to cache the home page and enter from the home page to access all pages normally. Therefore, not caching other HTML by default can effectively reduce the cache size (40% smaller in size) and speed up the SW update speed.
But this also has the disadvantage. If the user enters the site directly from a non-home page, the HTML file for the first page still needs to be loaded from the internet. Also, in offline environment, users can only enter through the homepage and then navigate to the corresponding page by themselves. If they directly access a link, an inaccessible prompt will appear.
Size Control
To prevent large files from being included in the pre-cache list, any files > 2 MB or images > 1 MB will be omitted. You can customize these limits with plugins.pwa.maxSize
and plugins.pwa.maxImageSize
options (in KB unit).
Update Control
We provide the plugins.pwa.update
option to control how users receive updates.
The default value of the plugins.pwa.update
option is "available"
, which means that when new content available, the new SW will be installed and its resources will be fetched silently in the background. A pop-up window appears once the new SW is ready, and users can choose whether to refresh immediately to view new content. This means users are reading old content before a new SW is ready.
If your project is still in building stage, and you want to alert the user that he may be reading outdated content, you can set this to "hint"
. This allows users to be notified that new content has been published within seconds after visiting docs. But the negative effect of this is that if the user chooses to update before the new SW is ready, he will need to get all the resources of the page from the internet before the new SW installs and controls the page.
If your docs are stable, or you're hosting a blog and don't care much about users receiving the latest version right away, you can set this to "disabled"
, which means that the new SW will be installed completely silently in the background and start waiting, when all pages controlled by old SW are all closed, the new SW will start to take control and provide users with new content during next visit. This setting can prevent users from being disturbed during the visit.
To speed up user access under weak or no network conditions through SW, but also want users to always access new content, you can set this option to "force"
. This means any old SW will be removed as soon as a new SW is detected, and all pages are refreshed to ensure the user is browsing the latest content. The biggest disadvantage is that all users will experience unexpected sudden refresh within seconds after reentering an updated site.
When new content is detected (new SW detected), a update found popup appears; and when the new content is ready, an update ready popup appears.
If you are not satisfied with the default popup content, you can use your own component. Import PWAFoundPopup
or PWAReadyPopup
from @vuepress/plugin-pwa/client
and use its slot to customize the popup content, then pass the component path to plugins.pwa.foundComponent
or plugins.pwa.readyComponent
<script setup lang="ts">
import { PWAFoundPopup } from "@vuepress/plugin-pwa/client";
<PWAFoundPopup v-slot="{ found, refresh }">
<div v-if="found">
New content is found.
<button @click="refresh">Refresh</button>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { PWAReadyPopup } from "@vuepress/plugin-pwa/client";
<PWAReadyPopup v-slot="{ isReady, reload }">
<div v-if="isReady">
New content is ready.
<button @click="reload">Apply</button>
Other Options
The plugin also provides other PWA-related options, such as Microsoft tile icon and color settings, Apple icon and so on. If you are an advanced user, you can also set plugins.pwa.generateSwConfig
to configure workbox-build
. Check Plugin options for more details.
Further Reading
For more details, please see:
PWA introduction
PWA, full name Progressive Web app. PWA standard is stipulated by W3C.
It allows sites to install the site as an App on supported platform through a browser that supports this feature. ↩︎
Manifest File
The manifest file uses the JSON format and is responsible for declaring various information of the PWA, such as name, description, icon, and shortcut actions.
In order for your site to be registered as a PWA, you need to meet the basic specifications of the manifest to make the browser consider the site as an installable PWA and allow users to install it.
For Manifest standards and specifications, please see MDN Web app manifests and W3C Manifest.
To let the site be registered as a PWA, the site needs to successfully register a valid service worker by itself, and declare a valid manifest file with its link in meta tag.
The manifest file should contain at least
.On safari, the maximum cache size of the service worker is 50 MB. ↩︎ ↩︎
SSG: Static Site Generation, ↩︎
SEO: Search Engine Optimization. ↩︎
SPA: Single Page Application, most of them only have the homepage, and use history mode to handle routing instead of actually navigating between pages. ↩︎