Theme Plugins
bundles many VuePress plugins and adds support for more VuePress plugin.
Plugin Options
The theme provides plugins
option to pass options to plugins.
Plugin Options Name
All key names in plugins
option are the camelCase version of the plugin name, with the optional number 2
suffix removed.
For example:
is controlled by key namecopyCode
is controlled by key namecopyright
is controlled by key namemdEnhance
Plugin List
Internal Plugins
The following plugins are used internally and can not be disabled:
@vuepress/plugin-sass-palette: Sass plugin for plugins and themes
@vuepress/plugin-theme-data: Composition API plugin for theme data
- vuepress-plugin-components: Provides common components out of the box.
Automatically Enabled Plugins
The following plugins are enabled by default, and you can disable them:
@vuepress/plugin-active-header-links: Automatically update route hash based on current header
@vuepress/plugin-back-to-top: Provides back to top button
@vuepress/plugin-catalog: Provides catalog page generation and
<Catalog />
component@vuepress/plugin-copy-code: Provides copy button for code blocks.
@vuepress/plugin-git: Git-based info plugin
@vuepress/plugin-icon: Icon support
@vuepress/plugin-links-check: check links in markdown files
@vuepress/plugin-markdown-hint: Markdown hint containers
@vuepress/plugin-markdown-image: Markdown image enhancement
@vuepress/plugin-nprogress: progress bar
@vuepress/plugin-photo-swipe: Image preview plugin based on photo-swipe
@vuepress/plugin-reading-time: Reading time and word count
@vuepress/plugin-seo: SEO enhancement plugin
@vuepress/plugin-shiki: Code highlighting plugin using Shiki
@vuepress/plugin-sitemap: Sitemap plugin
- vuepress-plugin-md-enhance: Provides more Markdown syntax
Plugins that need to be enabled manually
The following plugins are bundled by theme, you can enable them via configuration:
@vuepress/plugin-blog: Blog plugin for VuePress2
@vuepress/plugin-copyright: Append copyright information when copying or disable copy and selection.
@vuepress/plugin-comment: Provides comment and pageview function
@vuepress/plugin-markdown-math: Formula support
@vuepress/plugin-notice: Provides notice
@vuepress/plugin-rtl: Provides rtl support
@vuepress/plugin-watermark: Watermark plugin
Plugins with Built-in Support
These plugins are supported by theme, but you need to install them manually while using:
@vuepress/plugin-docsearch: Crawler based search plugin with DocSearch
@vuepress/plugin-search: Simple client search plugin
@vuepress/plugin-slimsearch: Client search plugin using SlimSearch
@vuepress/plugin-feed: Feed support
@vuepress/plugin-prismjs: Code highlighting plugin using Prism.js
@vuepress/plugin-pwa: PWA support
@vuepress/plugin-redirect: Redirect pages