Other Plugin Config
catalog enabled by default
Controls @vuepress/plugin-catalog
which provides catalog pages generation.
No extra config is required by default. Se it to false
if you don't need it.
Check catalog plugin docs for available plugin options.
backToTop enabled by default
Controls @vuepress/plugin-back-to-top
which provides a back to top button.
No extra config is required by default. Se it to false
if you don't need it.
Check back-to-top plugin docs for available plugin options.
Controls vuepress-plugin-components
, providing a set of components for Markdown.
Available component which can be used in markdown files are:
- ArtPlayer: A video player powered by ArtPlayer
- Badge: Colorful badge component
- BiliBili: Embedded BiliBili video
- CodePen: Embedded CodePen demo
- FontIcon: Font icon component
- PDF: Embedded PDF viewer
- Share: Sharing current page with social medias
- StackBlitz: Embedded StackBlitz demo
- SiteInfo: Display sites
- VPBanner: A banner component
- VPCard: A card component
- VidStack: Audio/Video player powered by VidStack
- XiGua: Embedded XiGua video
You can set plugins.components.components
with an array of components you want, by default it will be ["Badge"]
Also, you can set plugins.components.rootComponents
to enable some root components, such as Notice.
Check components plugin docs for available plugin options.
copyCode enabled by default
Controls @vuepress/plugin-copy-code
which provides a code copy button on desktop.
No extra config is required by default. Se it to false
if you don't need it.
Check copy-code plugin docs for available plugin options.
git enabled in production
Controls @vuepress/plugin-git
which provides page meta via Git.
The plugin is only enabled in build mode by default to improve devServer performance. You can manually set a boolean to control the plugin state, or provide plugin options.
Check git plugin docs for available plugin options.
nprogress enabled by default
Controls @vuepress/plugin-nprogress
which provides a progress bar through nprogress
when switching pages .
You can set false
to disable it.
photoSwipe enabled by default
Controls @vuepress/plugin-photo-swipe
which provides picture browsing feature.
No extra config is required by default. Se it to false
if you don't need it.
Check photo-swipe plugin docs for available plugin options.
Controls @vuepress/plugin-pwa
which provides PWA support.
You can set true
to directly enable it, or provide plugin options.
Check pwa plugin docs for available plugin options.
readingTime enabled by default
Controls @vuepress/plugin-reading-time
which generates words count and estimated reading time for pages.
- Type:
- Default:
Reading speed (words per minute)
Check reading-time plugin docs for available plugin options.
seo enabled by default
Controls @vuepress/plugin-seo
which provides search engine enhancements.
No extra config is required by default. Se it to false
if you don't need it.
Check seo plugin docs for available plugin options.
sitemap enabled by default
Controls @vuepress/plugin-sitemap
which provides sitemap.
No extra config is required by default. Se it to false
if you don't need it.
Check sitemap plugin docs for available plugin options.
Controls @vuepress/plugin-watermark
which provides watermark.
Check watermark plugin docs for available plugin options.