Theme Basic Options
These options are important and require you to configure them correctly.
hostname Root only
- Type:
- Required: Yes
Domain which the site will be deployed to.
It should contain full protocol (e.g.
type AuthorName = string; interface AuthorInfo { /** * Author name */ name: string; /** * Author website */ url?: string; /** * Author email */ email?: string; } type Author = AuthorName | AuthorName[] | AuthorInfo | AuthorInfo[];
Required: No
Global default author.
- Type:
- Required: No
- Details:
The default license of site.
- Type:
- Required: No
Site favicon.
/** * Base nav item, displayed as text */ export interface NavItemOptions { /** * Text of item */ text: string; /** * Icon of item */ icon?: string; /** * Aria label of item */ ariaLabel?: string; } /** * Options for `<AutoLink>` */ export interface AutoLinkOptions extends NavItemOptions { /** * Link of item */ link: string; /** * Rel of `<a>` tag */ rel?: string; /** * Target of `<a>` tag */ target?: string; /** * RegExp mode to be active */ activeMatch?: string; /** * Whether it's active only when exact match */ exact?: boolean; } /** * Base nav group, has nav items children */ export interface NavGroup<T> extends NavItemOptions { /** * Link prefix of current group */ prefix?: string; /** * Link of current group */ link?: string; /** * Children of current group */ children: T[]; } // Navbar types // types for NavbarItem export type NavbarLinkOptions = AutoLinkOptions; // types for NavbarDropdown export type NavbarGroupOptions = NavGroup< NavbarLinkOptions | NavGroup<NavbarLinkOptions> | string >; // types for navbar options export type NavbarOptions = ( | NavbarLinkOptions | NavbarGroupOptions | string )[];
Details: Layout → Navbar
Navbar config
/** * Base nav item, displayed as text */ export interface NavItemOptions { /** * Text of item */ text: string; /** * Icon of item */ icon?: string; /** * Aria label of item */ ariaLabel?: string; } /** * Options for `<AutoLink>` */ export interface AutoLinkOptions extends NavItemOptions { /** * Link of item */ link: string; /** * Rel of `<a>` tag */ rel?: string; /** * Target of `<a>` tag */ target?: string; /** * RegExp mode to be active */ activeMatch?: string; /** * Whether it's active only when exact match */ exact?: boolean; } export type SidebarLinkOptions = AutoLinkOptions; export interface SidebarGroupOptions extends NavItemOptions { /** * Link prefix of current group */ prefix?: string; /** * Link of current group */ link?: string; /** * Whether current group is expanded by default * * @default false */ expanded?: boolean; /** * Whether current group is collapsible * * @default false */ collapsible?: boolean; /** * Children of current group */ children: SidebarItemOptions[]; } export interface SidebarStructureOptions extends NavItemOptions { /** * Link prefix of current group */ prefix?: string; /** * Link of current group */ link?: string; /** * Whether current group is expanded by default * * @default false */ expanded?: boolean; /** * Whether current group is collapsible * * @default false */ collapsible?: boolean; children: "structure"; } export type SidebarItemOptions = | SidebarLinkOptions | SidebarGroupOptions | SidebarStructureOptions | string; export type SidebarArrayOptions = SidebarItemOptions[]; export type SidebarObjectOptions = Record< string, SidebarArrayOptions | "structure" | false >; export type SidebarOptions = | SidebarArrayOptions | SidebarObjectOptions | "structure" | false;
Details: Layout → Sidebar
Sidebar config
locales Root only
- Type:
Record<string, ThemeLocaleOptions>
- Details:
I18n config of the theme, where you can set options for each language separately.
extraLocales Root only
- Type:
Record<string, string>
Extra locales for the site, where key is the language name and value is the site path, :route
will be replaced by current route path.
hotReload Root only
- Type:
- Default: Whether using
Whether to enable hot reload in the devServer.
Normally, you will expect:
- devServer can be started as soon as possible
- changes in markdown can take effect fast on the devServer, and avoid restarting the entire VuePress application.
In order to achieve this expectation, the theme needs to skip some time-consuming operations on the devServer, and it needs to skip some time-consuming functions that are triggered by page modifications on the devServer to improve the speed of project startup and hot update. At the same time, because some modifications will change the underlying raw data of VuePress, these modifications will cause the web page refresh and reload the entire VuePress application. In order to avoid frequent page reloads (i.e.: Page refresh is triggered, and you are getting a blank screen for a few seconds) when modifying Markdown, the theme disables some features on the devServer.
By default, devServer has the following limitations:
- Git-based features will not be enabled, including contributors, automatic creating date and last update time (Calling Git binary and making file IO causes high time consumption)
- The structured sidebar will only be generated when the application starts, and will not be updated subsequently (Sidebar sorting and indexing depends on every page frontmatter, any change in Markdown content will trigger recalculation, so large number of pages will result high time consumption)
- Blog articles, tags, categories and lists of articles in each category will not be updated with the devServer (Any change in Markdown content will trigger recalculation, so large number of pages will result high time consumption)
- ReadingTime and Word Info in blog article information are not injected (Any change in Markdown content will change the page word count information, so a VuePress underlying raw data is updated causing page refresh)
Enabling it means you accept that every modification will trigger some expensive recalculations and the whole application will restart, which usually results refreshing the page and a few seconds of blank screen in environments with weak performance.