Theme I18n Options
About 2 min
You can add the following options to locales[localePath]
in theme options to customize the theme's multilingual options.
interface ThemeLocaleData {
* Current lang code
lang: string;
* Outlook
outlookLocales: {
* Theme Color
themeColor: string;
* Theme mode
darkmode: string;
* Fullscreen text
fullscreen: string;
* Blog
blogLocales: {
/** 文章文字 */
article: string;
/** 文章列表文字 */
articleList: string;
/** 分类文字 */
category: string;
/** 标签文字 */
tag: string;
/** 时间轴文字 */
timeline: string;
/** 时间轴标题文字 */
timelineTitle: string;
/** 全部文字 */
all: string;
/** 个人介绍 */
intro: string;
/** 星标文章 */
star: string;
/** 空文字 */
empty: string;
* Pagination
paginationLocales: {
* Previous page button label text
prev: string;
* Next page button label text
next: string;
* Navigation hint label text
navigate: string;
* Navigation button label text
action: string;
* Error text when invalid page number
* @description `$page` will be replaced by total page number automatically
errorText: string;
* Encrypt
encryptLocales: {
* Aria label for encrypt icon
iconLabel: string;
* Password placeholder
placeholder: string;
* Whether remember password
remember: string;
* Password error hint
errorHint: string;
* Navbar
navbarLocales: {
* Aria label of of the language selection dropdown
selectLangAriaLabel: string;
* Language name of current locale
langName: string;
* Page meta
metaLocales: {
* Author label text
author: string;
* Writing date label text
date: string;
* Label text marked as original
origin: string;
* Page views label text
views: string;
* Tag label text
tag: string;
* Category label text
category: string;
* Expect reading time label text
readingTime: string;
* Words label Text
words: string;
* Table of contents
toc: string;
* Previous link
prev: string;
* Next link
next: string;
* Contributors text
contributors: string;
* Edit link text
editLink: string;
routeLocales: {
* Skip to main content
skipToContent: string;
* 404 page title
notFoundTitle: string;
* 404 page msgs
notFoundMsg: string[];
* Back to homepage
home: string;
* Back to last page
back: string;
Meanwhile, some i18n options are controlled by plugins, including:
plugins.comment.walineLocales: Waline Comment Service
- plugins.components.locales: Component locales
plugins.copyCode.locales: Code block copy button
plugins.copyright.locales: Copyright information
plugins.markdownHint.locales: Markdown hint
plugins.photoSwipe.locales: Photo preview
plugins.pwa.locales: PWA
3/23/25, 2:33 PM
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