Home Page
provides a powerful home page.
To use it, set home: true
in page frontmatter. Any extra content after frontmatter will be parsed as normal Markdown and rendered after the features section.
Site Information
You can use heroText
to set the main title and tagline
to set the subtitle.
If you have a logo, you can place it in the public
folder and set it via heroImage
, if you want to display another logo in night mode, you can use heroImageDark
. For better A11y, we recommend that you set the description of Logo to heroAlt
You can set the background image through bgImage
and bgImageDark
, but you need to pay attention that you must fill in the full URL or absolute path. If you want the information to be displayed in full screen, you can set heroFullScreen: true
If you need to customize some styles, you can set the style of the logo and background image through heroImageStyle
and bgImageStyle
Home button
You can display some important links in the form of buttons on the home page.
You can set them via actions
which is an array where each element is an object with the following keys:
: button textlink
: button linktype
: button type (only"primary"
(default) are supported)icon
(optional): can be filled with full path or absolute path image link, or FontClass
Project features (legacy)
You can set and display item features through features
, which is an array, each element is an object, containing the following keys:
: titledetails
: detailsicon
(optional): can be filled with full path or absolute path image link, or FontClasslink
(optional): link address
Project Highlights and features
You can set and display project features and highlights through highlights
, which is an array, each element is an object, representing a highlight or feature section.
Highlight section use highlights
to set highlights and feature section use features
to set features (you should only set one of them). Both of them are arrays, each element is an object, representing a highlight or feature item:
: title, HTML string is supporteddetails
: details, HTML string is supportedicon
(optional): can be filled with full path or absolute path image link, or FontClasslink
(optional): link address
You can also set the following optional keys:
: section title, supports HTML stringdescription
: section description, supports HTML stringcolor
: Text colorimage
: Section imageimageDark
: Section image used in dark modebgImage
: Section background imagebgImageDark
: Section background image used in dark modebgImageStyle
: Section background image styles
Highlights also support the following properties:
(default) or"no-order"
For complete configuration items, see Home Frontmatter Configuration.
Feature Homepage Code
home: true
icon: home
title: Project Home with features
heroImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/logo.svg
heroText: VuePress Theme Hope
tagline: A VuePress theme with tons of features✨
- text: Get Started
link: /get-started/
icon: signs-post
type: primary
- text: Guide
icon: lightbulb
link: /guide/
- text: Demos
icon: star
link: /demo/
- title: Markdown Enhance
icon: b:markdown
details: Add align, sup/sub script, footnote, tasklist, tex, flowchart, diagram, mark and presentation support in Markdown
link: /guide/markdown/
- title: Slide Page
icon: person-chalkboard
details: Adding slide pages to display things you like
link: /guide/layout/slides
- title: Layout Enhancement
icon: object-group
details: Adding breadcrumb, footer, improved navbar, improved page nav and etc.
link: /guide/layout/
- title: Pageviews and Comments
icon: comment-dots
details: Start pageview statistics and comment support with Waline
link: /guide/feature/comment.html
- title: Article Information
icon: circle-info
details: Add author, writing date, reading time, word count and other information to your article
link: /guide/feature/page-info.html
- title: Blog Support
icon: blog
details: Listing your articles with their dates, tags and categories with some awesome layouts
link: /guide/blog/
- title: Customizable Theme Color
icon: palette
details: Customize theme color
link: /guide/interface/theme-color.html
- title: Dark Mode
icon: circle-half-stroke
details: Switch between light and dark modes freely
link: /guide/interface/darkmode.html
- title: Article Encryption
icon: lock
details: Encrypt you articles based on page links, so that only the one you want could see them
link: /guide/feature/encrypt.html
- title: Search
icon: search
details: Support docsearch and client search
link: /guide/feature/search.html
- title: Image Preview
icon: image
details: Support viewing, zooming, sharing your page images like a gallery
link: /guide/feature/photo-swipe.html
- title: SEO Enhancement
icon: dumbbell
details: Optimize pages for search engines
link: /guide/advanced/seo.html
- title: Sitemap
icon: sitemap
details: Generate a Sitemap for your site
link: /guide/advanced/sitemap.html
- title: Feed
icon: rss
details: Generate feed to allow users to subscribe it
link: /guide/advanced/feed.html
- title: PWA
icon: mobile-screen
details: Make your site more like an APP
link: /guide/advanced/pwa.html
- title: More New Features
icon: ellipsis
details: Including icon support, fullscreen button, etc.
link: /guide/feature/
copyright: false
footer: MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2019-present Mr.Hope
## 🛠Install
Create a new vuepress-theme-hope project in `<dir>` directory under the current path:
::: code-tabs#shell
@tab pnpm
pnpm create vuepress-theme-hope <dir>
@tab yarn
yarn create vuepress-theme-hope <dir>
@tab npm
npm init vuepress-theme-hope@latest <dir>
To add vuepress-theme-hope as docs builder to an existing project, run the following command in the project root directory:
::: code-tabs#shell
@tab pnpm
pnpm create vuepress-theme-hope add <dir>
@tab yarn
yarn create vuepress-theme-hope add <dir>
@tab npm
npm init vuepress-theme-hope@latest add <dir>
## 🚀Usage
```ts twoslash title=".vuepress/config.ts"
import { defineUserConfig } from "vuepress";
import { hopeTheme } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
export default defineUserConfig({
theme: hopeTheme({
// your theme config here
## Telegram Group
- [vuepressthemehope](https://t.me/vuepressthemehope)
Highlight Homepage Code
containerClass: home
home: true
icon: home
title: Home
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/6-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/6-dark.svg
background-attachment: fixed
heroText: VuePress Theme Hope
tagline: A VuePress theme with tons of features✨
- text: Get Started
link: ./get-started/
icon: signs-post
type: primary
- text: Guide
icon: lightbulb
link: ./guide/
- text: Demos
icon: star
link: ./demo/
- header: Easy to install
image: /assets/image/box.svg
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/3-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/3-dark.svg
- title: Run <code>pnpm create vuepress-theme-hope hope-project</code> to create a new project with this theme.
- title: Run <code>pnpm create vuepress-theme-hope add .</code> in your project root to create a new project with this theme.
- header: Add things you want in markdown
description: We extended the standard commonMark specification and added tons of new features for you.
image: /assets/image/markdown.svg
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/2-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/2-dark.svg
background-repeat: repeat
background-size: initial
- title: Links Check
icon: clipboard-check
details: Check markdown links
link: ./guide/markdown/others.html#link-check
- title: Hint box
icon: box-archive
details: Decorate Markdown content with styles
link: ./guide/markdown/stylize/hint.html
- title: GFM alerts
icon: bell
details: GFM alert box
link: ./guide/markdown/stylize/alert.html
- title: Tabs
icon: table-columns
details: Group similar content with tabs and switch them together
link: ./guide/markdown/content/tabs.html
- title: Code Tabs
icon: code
details: Group similar codes with tabs
link: ./guide/markdown/code/code-tabs.html
- title: Custom Align
icon: align-center
details: Let you decide to align paragraphs in the way you like
link: ./guide/markdown/stylize/align.html
- title: Attrs
icon: code
details: Allow you to add attributes for Markdown content
link: ./guide/markdown/stylize/attrs.html
- title: Superscript and subscript
icon: superscript
details: Inserting superscript and subscript
link: ./guide/markdown/stylize/sup-sub.html
- title: Footnote
icon: quote-left
details: Your Markdown now support footnotes
link: ./guide/markdown/content/footnote.html
- title: Mark
icon: highlighter
details: Mark and highlight contents
link: ./guide/markdown/stylize/mark.html
- title: Spoiler
icon: eraser
details: Mark spoiler contents
link: ./guide/markdown/stylize/spoiler.html
- title: Tasklist
icon: square-check
details: Use tasklist in Markdown
link: ./guide/markdown/grammar/tasklist.html
- title: Image syntax
icon: image
details: improve syntax to specify size and color scheme
link: ./guide/markdown/grammar/image.html
- title: Component Support
icon: puzzle-piece
details: Easily insert components in Markdown
link: ./guide/component/grammar.html
- title: Components
icon: puzzle-piece
details: Common components out fo box
link: ./guide/component/built-in.html
- title: Chart Support
icon: chart-simple
details: Display charts in Markdown
link: ./guide/markdown/chart/chartjs.html
- title: Flowchart Support
icon: route
details: Create your flowchart in Markdown
link: ./guide/markdown/chart/flowchart.html
- title: Mermaid Support
icon: chart-pie
details: Add mermaid diagram in Markdown
link: ./guide/markdown/chart/mermaid.html
- title: Plantuml Support
icon: diagram-project
details: Add plantuml in Markdown
link: ./guide/markdown/chart/plantuml.html
- title: Tex Support
icon: square-root-variable
details: Markdown now have Tex Support so you can write your formula
link: ./guide/markdown/grammar/math.html
- title: Include snippet Support
icon: b:markdown
details: split your docs with different parts and import them in Markdown
link: ./guide/markdown/content/include.html
- title: Playground Support
icon: code
details: You can add playground in Markdown files
link: ./guide/markdown/code/playground.html
- title: Kotlin playground Support
icon: b:kickstarter
details: Reactive kotlin playground
link: ./guide/markdown/code/kotlin-playground.html
- title: Vue playground Support
icon: b:vuejs
details: Show living vue component in playground
link: ./guide/markdown/code/vue-playground.html
- title: Sandpack playground Support
icon: code
details: A live coding environment driven by Sandpack.
link: ./guide/markdown/code/sandpack.html
- title: Code Demo Support
icon: laptop-code
details: You can insert code demo easily
link: ./guide/markdown/code/demo.html
- title: Presentation Support
icon: person-chalkboard
details: Insert presentation in Markdown files via Reveal.js
link: ./guide/markdown/content/revealjs.html
- header: Customizable UI
description: Customizable outlook with full a11y support.
image: /assets/image/ui.svg
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/9-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/9-dark.svg
- title: Dark Mode
icon: circle-half-stroke
details: Switch between light and dark modes freely
link: ./guide/interface/darkmode.html
- title: Customizable Theme Color
icon: palette
details: Set theme color with the brand color and even a picker
link: ./guide/interface/theme-color.html
- title: More
icon: ellipsis
details: RTL layout, print support, fullscreen button, etc.
link: ./guide/interface/others.html
- header: Improved layouts
description: An awesome responsive layout
image: /assets/image/layout.svg
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/5-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/5-dark.svg
- title: Navbar
icon: window-maximize
details: Fully customizable navbar with improved mobile support
link: ./guide/layout/navbar.html
- title: Sidebar
icon: fas fa-window-maximize fa-rotate-270
details: Generate sidebar based on page headings and file structure
link: ./guide/layout/sidebar.html
- title: Slide Page
icon: person-chalkboard
details: Adding slide pages to display things you like
link: ./guide/layout/slides.html
- title: Other Layout Improvement
icon: object-group
details: Improved page nav and new breadcrumb, footer and toc. We also bring you a brand new homepage.
link: ./guide/layout/
- header: New features
image: /assets/image/features.svg
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/1-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/1-dark.svg
- title: Catalog Page
icon: network-wired
details: Auto generating catalog page and out of box catalog component
link: ./guide/feature/catalog.html
- title: Pageviews and Comments
icon: comment-dots
details: Pageview statistics and comment support with 4 comment service
link: ./guide/feature/comment.html
- title: Article Information
icon: circle-info
details: Add author, writing date, reading time, word count and other information to your article
link: ./guide/feature/page-info.html
- title: Article Encryption
icon: lock
details: Encrypt you articles based on page links, so that only the one you want could see them
link: ./guide/feature/encrypt.html
- title: Search
icon: search
details: Support docsearch and client search
link: ./guide/feature/search.html
- title: Code Block
icon: code
details: Customize code block themes, line number, highlight lines, copy button, etc.
link: ./guide/markdown/code/fence.html.html
- title: Image Preview
icon: image
details: Support viewing, zooming, sharing your page images like a gallery
link: ./guide/feature/photo-swipe.html
- header: Blogging
description: Create personal blog with theme
image: /assets/image/blog.svg
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/5-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/5-dark.svg
- title: Blog features
icon: blog
details: Listing your articles with their dates, tags and categories
link: ./guide/blog/intro.html
- title: Blog homepage
icon: blog
details: New blog homepage
link: ./guide/blog/home.html
- title: Blogger info
icon: circle-info
details: Customize avatar, name, slogan, introduction and social links
link: ./guide/blog/blogger.html
- title: Timeline
icon: clock
details: Read through blog posts in a timeline
link: ./guide/blog/timeline.html
- header: Advanced
description: Advanced features to improve site SEO and user experience
image: /assets/image/advanced.svg
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/4-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/4-dark.svg
- title: SEO Enhancement
icon: dumbbell
details: Optimize pages for search engines
link: ./guide/advanced/seo.html
- title: Sitemap
icon: sitemap
details: Generate a Sitemap for your site
link: ./guide/advanced/sitemap.html
- title: Feed
icon: rss
details: Generate feed to allow users to subscribe it
link: ./guide/advanced/feed.html
- title: PWA
icon: mobile-screen
details: Make your site more like an APP
link: ./guide/advanced/pwa.html
copyright: false
footer: MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2019-present Mr.Hope