Markdown Intro
Less than 1 minute
Besides Markdown syntaxes VuePress itself adds, vuepress-theme-hope
enables more syntax and features in Markdown via the following plugins:
- @vuepress/plugin-markdown-ext
- @vuepress/plugin-markdown-image
- @vuepress/plugin-markdown-include
- @vuepress/plugin-markdown-hint
- @vuepress/plugin-markdown-math
- @vuepress/plugin-markdown-stylize
- @vuepress/plugin-markdown-tab
- @vuepress/plugin-link-check
- @vuepress/plugin-revealjs
- vuepress-plugin-md-enhance
Built-in Enhancements
VuePress comes with GitHub-style tables, Emoji, TOC, etc. are all available out of the box.
For detailed syntax, please see Built-in Markdown Enhance.
Enable Markdown Enhancement
You can control Markdown syntax and features through the markdown
option in the theme options.
Don't worry about the size of your site. If you don't enable related features, the final code won't include code for these features.
12/6/24, 6:48 PM
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