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Catalog Page

Less than 1 minuteFeatureCatalogFeature

VuePress Theme Hope provides catalog component and auto catalog generation using @vuepress/plugin-catalogopen in new window.


This feature is enabled by default. If there is no in the folder, the theme will automatically generate a directory page for it. To disable, set plugins.catalog to false.

You can control this via plugins.catalog in the theme options, for example:

  • Exclude some folders from catalog generation via plugins.catalog.exclude
  • Control frontmatter generation through plugins.catalog.frontmatter.

For detailed configuration, see Catalog plugin docsopen in new window.

Catalog Component

You can use the <Catalog> component directly in Markdown to display the catalog.

Homepage Catalog Demo


<!-- Used to limit height -->
<div class="catalog-display-container">
  <Catalog base='/' />